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Follow part 2

Follow part 2

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Follow part 2

Follow Jesus part 1

Introduction Jesus says to pray. Jesus says not to look over there. Jesus says to be nice. Jesus says to get up early and read your Bible. Lots of people in Pretoria think Christianity is all about doing what Jesus says. But what if doing what Jesus says isn’t...

Grace Series

GRACE Has there ever been a point in your life where you wished you could just start over? Is there something about your past that you just can’t seem to get past? Do you know you are doing something destructive in your life, but just don’t know how to stop? Is there...

Email & Speaker Scams

We have been made aware of a scam that is being executed using names of our pastors and the church. This particular scam from these corrupt individuals have claimed in an email to people that the church is hosting an event on June 5, 6 and 7th this year. It’s...
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